Homebush Juniors
This website & page has been created for your convenience to get all the latest information & news regarding Homebush Junior Oztag. Homebush Junior Oztag will regularly update this site regarding the draws, results, ladder, representative news & many other things that will take place throughout the year.
Homebush Juniors is held at Mason Park Homebush (Monday)
from 4pm – 7pm.
Juniors ( MASON PARK)
Co-ordinator: Demi Love Kassem
Mobile: 0401 644 786
Email: demi@sydneyoztag.com.au
Registration Details:
We will be holding two registration nights. These will be held at Mason Park, Homebush
Registration Nights: Venue- Mason Park, Homebush (4:30pm-6:30pm)
Friday- 23/08/24
Next Competition Starting:
Boys / Girl’s/ Mixed
Under 6’s – Under 17’s
4:30 /5:05/5:40/6:15 |
Competition Venue: Mason Park, Homebush
Competition Details:
Competition Length: 10 Weeks
Competition Cost: $120
*Team shirt included
Juniors FAQ
Active Kids Vouchers Accepted
Click the link below to apply for your active kids voucher.
Team Entry/Registration Forms:
Upon registration night please HAND IN the Registration Form below by printing it out with all sections completed.
Team Entry Form (please only fill out this form if you are creating/have a team)
Sydney Junior Oztag Rego Form
Please refer to ‘Play Oztag’ then ‘Oztag Rules’ for the Rules and Regulations that all players and delegates must adhere to.
Referee’s Wanted:
Each season we are always looking for new referee’s to join our sport. Without them we would have to knock back teams so if you’re interested in becoming a referee then please contact Demi on the number above about how to get involved.
Training is provided & the position of being a referee is paid per game.
Thank You
Canterbury Oztag
Juniors FAQ